Bula!  My name is Lucy Meyer and there are only a handful of sleeps until myself and a team of Year 13 students head to Fiji.

Year 13?  Fiji?  Why?

Well, Year 13 is a gap year program run by Youthworks and the program involves going on a month long mission trip to Fiji.  The short term mission trip is a small part of a long term mission in Fiji, which Year 13 students have been involved in and have been continually supporting for the past 3 years.

I am so thankful for Year 13 and all the new things I have experienced and all the challenges God has put before me.  All the Year 13ers were involved in a training week at the beginning of May which equipped us with the knowledge we need to give us a deeper understanding of Fiji culture.  Pete Gunning, our Fiji mission team leader, enlightened us on the people we will meet, the do’s and don’ts when in Fiji, some of the language, the clothing to wear and the things we shouldn’t assume!  For example bottled water is not necessarily bottled water!  We have to listen for the click of the safety seal!

We are all so lucky to have this opportunity to go to Fiji and get a taste of overseas mission.  My personal challenge or goal which came out of the training week is to leave Fiji with no regrets.  I would like to hop on the plane on the way home and look back on the past month and see no missed opportunities.  I am challenged to make the most of all the opportunities God gives me so His name may be glorified.

I am really looking forward to going into schools and seeing what school looks like each day for the Fijians.  I’m excited to share the presentation that my group and I have prepared on forgiveness.  My prayer is that we, as a team, can share the joy of sins forgiven, show them what this means to us and what it looks like in everyday life.  However I’m sure that we will be taught by the Fijians as well!

As the number of days before we go are wearing thin, please pray that the Year 13ers will be organised and get all that needs to be done, done. Please pray that God will be at the centre of the activities, Bible studies and talks we are planning, and that we would not take the glory, but God will be glorified.  Pray for safe travel and good health for all of us.  Pray for leaders, that God will be with them as they organised the big things of the trip and for wisdom in the decisions that have to be made for the group.  And finally and most importantly pray that the team can be completely focused on Christ.  Pray that God will be continually growing us and revealing to us the ministry He’s planned for us.

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