I’m not great at fishing. In fact, I think the only times I’ve successfully caught fish have been when a mate has picked the spot and held my hand (so to speak).

But I am sure that if I had a barrel full of fish and a loaded shotgun that I’d improve my chances significantly.

When it comes to fishing for youth, HSC study camps are more like fishing in a barrel than fishing off the beach.

There are several reasons why these camps are so strategic.

Firstly, they bring together a group of people who have a natural fellowship (in the true, technical sense of ‘commonness’). These students all face the ‘biggest exams of their lives’ that 'promise' to definitively determine their future.

It is often in times of trial or crisis that our communities unite. In a sense, the coming onslaught of exams offers an equivalent opportunity for this group of people to discuss the issues that determine their future (as it is oft claimed or threatened).

Secondly, they bring together a group of people who are facing major change. They face the end of thirteen years of formal schooling, and a smorgasbord of future options before them.

As they seek wisdom and guidance, we have an excellent opportunity to speak to them the eternally practical word of God through up-front Bible talks, small groups, and many informal conversations.

Thirdly, the week-long, residential camp provides a controlled environment where the leaders seek to provide an environment where ‘God speak’ is encouraged and nurtured.

Ironically, it is often the students, not the leaders, who are the best evangelists. As Jesus is put on the agenda, many of the sleeper Christians come to life and join with the leaders in continuing the gospel conversations over meals and free time.

Students often report that their experience on Christian study camps help them renew their focus on Christ in the midst of their crisis, which then results in a new zeal for their months and years ahead.

Youthworks still have vacancies for students in our upcoming HSC Study Conferences. If you know any HSC students, why not encourage them to attend a potentially-life-changing week? We’ve also got some vacancies for leaders, and I’d love to hear from you if you’re a keen Christian who is keen to serve and see lives transformed for Christ.

Jodie McNeill is the Executive Director of Youthworks Outdoors. For more information about our HSC Study Conferences visit this link.


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