If you are of the opinion that theological institutions such as Moore College are just about head knowledge, students and faculty are out to change your mind.

Moore College Sunday will give parishes in the Sydney diocese an opportunity to pray for God's work through Moore, as well as learning about the college and it's work.

Tara Thornley, the dean of women at Moore College believes that many people think Moore is merely about academic learning. On August 15, students will have the opportunity to share prayer points with their churches as well as explain what college is all about.

"People know the name "Moore' but they don't know much more about it," Thornley said. "I think people assume that Moore is really dry and it's just about head knowledge. But it's more than that, it's about a diverse community of God's people who love Jesus and want to serve him."

Daniel Faricy is in his 2nd year of a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore College, he is currently the student minister at St Matthews Anglican Church, Windsor. He believes that Moore is about more than head knowledge but that a thorough understanding of the Bible is a vital part of his education.

"Academic learning is important. The Bible has been given to us in words and we need to try and understand them as best we can. We are being trained to know what God has told us better," he said. "But its more than academic knowledge, the programs are focussed on community and on building lasting relationships with each other."

"Moore College Sunday is an opportunity to share with the congregation why I'm at college," Faricy said. "It's also a great way to educate people about college as well as encouraging people to take up the opportunity to study the Bible."

Thornley believes that many people are unaware that Moore isn't just for people interested in paid ministry roles and hopes that Moore College Sunday will allow people to see that there are study options available for everyone.

"Moore isn't just about training ministers, it's about learning about Jesus so we can follow him," she said. "We have many different programs, like part-time study and night courses that are available to anyone."

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