Archbishop Peter Jensen has announced the amalgamation of the Diocese's three relief funds under one new brand: Anglican Aid.

In a video interview with to announce the rebranding, Dr Jensen emphasised the important work undertaken by all three funds over the years and his hope that this "very significant work of the Diocese of Sydney" will "grow and prosper".

Dr Jensen says Anglican Aid will have a strong philosophy of gospel partnership.

"We try to link up aid "” like aid in education or in helping people grow crops or whatever "” with the growth of the gospel as well," he says.

The Rev David Mansfield, who will head Anglican Aid, says the relief work of the Diocese has been hamstrung by "confused" branding.

"Many people don't know we exist and those who do, know us by many different names. The message has been confused."

Until now appeals within the Sydney Diocese have been marketed through five different brands: the Overseas Ministry Fund (OMF), Overseas Relief and Aid Fund (ORAF), as well as the Community Care Fund (CCF) which mostly raises funds via the Archbishop of Sydney's Winter Appeal and Christmas Appeal.

Mr Mansfield says the rebranding does not herald any change of direction but is aimed at boosting ownership of the funds among Sydney Anglicans.

"We hope the rebranding sends a clear message that the Diocese has its own aid agency," he says. "This is not just the Archbishop's aid agency: it also belongs to all Sydney Anglicans. We have our own worldwide aid agency."