There’s short films. Take for example, the ‘5 videos for Easter church services’.

Then there’s mini-movies.

And this is just what Mars Hill church in Seattle has put together, using footage from the church’s recent trip to the Middle East.

They explain:

“The Mars Hill video team has been hard at work on a 30-minute short movie built to tell the painful narrative of Good Friday. Most churches focus so much on the joy of Easter that they forget about the trial of Good Friday. We made this movie so that next year churches all over the globe will be able to hold that tension of Jesus’ sacrifice and his resurrection.”

Here’s the trailer for the Good Friday video:

Mark Driscoll gives some background to the video:

Mars Hill has produced a number of thought-provoking videos, another is the ‘Day of Atonement’ video from 2008.

I find it interesting to see what other churches are doing at Easter, and how they are promoting their Easter services. Steve Fogg, Communications Manager at Crossway Baptist Church in Melbourne has put together a list of what churches are doing around the world for Easter.

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