My last blog remarked on Presiding Bishop Schori's breathtaking rejection of the gospel of salvation, “the great Western heresy - that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God”.

The blog drew some debate about my use of Scripture but I take comfort from the report of Bishop David Bena's sermon at an ordination where he attacked Schori by saying:

for a Christian leader to stand and say, with the whole nation listening in, that personal salvation is a heresy insults our Heavenly Father, who wishes each one of us to have a personal, saving relationship with his Son. Perhaps this leader has not read, marked, heeded and inwardly digested Romans 10:9: ‘because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved’. A thousand other passages from the Scriptures covering the same subject are there, just lookin' at ya.

On another topic, the New Westminster lawsuits wait for judgment to be delivered. But across the border TEC property litigation proceeds apace. The latest is Christ Church Savannah, Georgia, founded in 1733. John Wesley and George Whitefield were early ministers, the British Crown granted ownership to the locals which was affirmed after the Revolution by the state legislature, but they are now the target of the rapacious TEC. Why? Because, the Christ Church Vestry voted on September 30, 2007, to recognise that TEC had abandoned historic Christianity. They placed themselves under the Church of Uganda and now are part of the new Province of North America.

Sooner or later Archbishop Williams will have to declare himself unequivocally on the side of the righteous or watch the leadership inherent in his office evaporate.

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