Thirty-six Year 13 Youthworks Gap Year students & six leaders are embarking on a month-long mission trip in Fiji from June 26 " July 24.
They will be using this blog to regularly say "bula' (Fijian for "hello') to those who wish to follow their journey and pray for them along the way. You can read their stories, see their pictures and hear how God stretches them as they partner with local churches to share the gospel in orphanages, universities, families and more!

The Anticipation

Well, so far I'm one passport, two medications (for severe stomach cramps and nausea/vomiting " let's hope I don't have to use them!), three needles and four or five new clothes closer to Fiji.

On the other hand there's still 6 days to go (that's 144 hours if you want to get serious about a countdown). And that's both exciting and scary.

Exciting for SO MANY reasons " there is the "going-overseas-for-the-first-time' kind of excitement as well as the anticipation of warm weather, new food, new clothes, new people and, of course, (most exciting of all) seeing God work amongst all that, as well as in and through me!

But then there are all the what-ifs:

* What if I can't handle curry three meals a day?
* What if I get cranky or homesick or culture-shocked?
* What if I get sick?
* What if a giant Iguana blocks our path when we’re traveling across Fiji by bus and we have to get out and walk through the hot rain and…?

Well, the other day, when my mind was on this sort of path, that still small voice said to me, "Zoe, It's not about you." And that's when I remembered" we're going to Fiji to serve God! It isn't about us; it's all about bringing Glory to Him.

So now things are on the downhill slope " I think.

I can look forward to everything " schools and university ministry, going to the orphanage, experiencing Fijian churches, Fijian public transport, our Fijian Youth Leadership weekend and even somewhat scary things like door-knocking because I know the onus isn't on me.

All I've got to do is pray, be there, be willing and watch God do all the real, heart changing work.

So now all I've got to worry about is how I'm going to fit all my luggage in my suitcase!

Zoe Murray is a Year 13 Intensive Student writing from Lord Howe Island

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